Tuesday 1 March 2011

Sagara Manthan...the churning of the cosmic ocean that threw up the treasures of life and also the poison...white holes are those stars that expand infinitely, in the opposite sense of a black hole, when a star contracts into itself...the white hole "churns" and throws everything out, unlike the black hole...hmmn....
The expansion and contraction of the universe, the expansion signifying birth...science expressed thus as a creation "myth"...?

Sunday 15 February 2009

My thoughts...did Science have more to do than culture with the matriarchal system - and of naming children after their mothers and not the paterfamilias? Are maternal genes more dominant in the long run? Any clues from the Vedas?

Was amazed to discover that all foetesus are female until a certain term, when male characterisics begin to dominate in those foetuses which will be born as sons. Is this another clue? Probably not....interesting, though......